Trains, trains, glorious trains
We have a wide array of books about steam engines, trains, stations, railways and related transport history. In fact, we bought yet another train enthusiast's complete collection yesterday to add to the many we already have. If you haven't yet been in to peruse our stock, now is a good time to pop in. If you are a regular already, then it's worth another visit to check out the new additions. Here is just one which arrived yesterday:
Fire & Steam: A New History of the Railways in Britain
by Christian Wolmar
This book is a wide-ranging history of the rail network from the rise of the steam train to electrification, including the contribution of railways to World War One and World War Two. Wolmar covers the social and economic importance of rail and how it has contributed to the Britain of today. He talks interestingly of the rail network's role in such varied fields as industrialisation, fish & chips, professional football, daytrippers, investment and more.
Come and have a look or browse through our online catalogue.