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Breaking news: To live longer, just pick up a book (Yippee) - 10th Aug 2016

Breaking news: To live longer, just pick up a book (Yippee) New research from Yale University

A new survey just released by Yale University states that the more time you spend reading books, the less likely you are to die.  30 minutes a day of reading books leads to a 23% lower risk of death (compared to those who don't read).  They report that certain cognitive processes are engendered by reading books which lead to greater survival.

Whether you believe the survey results or not, reading books is definitely therapeutic.  It is relaxing, enjoyable, good for your mood, good for your mind and good for your general health.

This is great news so rush on in to your nearest Hard to Find Bookshop and pick up a few books and get started.  If you are not lucky enough to be near one of our shops, then order something from our online stock and start your journey to eternal life right now before it is too late!

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